Are you ready to go solar?

By going solar together, solar energy becomes more affordable. Protect your business against ongoing load-shedding and increasing Eskom prices. Every year, we enjoy over 2,500 hours of sunshine in South Africa. The perfect conditions to make solar energy the primary source of energy. You do that together with Soly. We operate internationally and help you become more sustainable and less dependent on the energy grid. The right step towards a sustainable future.

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Our approach

Soly's Step-by-Step Guide to Going Solar

Are you ready to take the leap into a brighter, more sustainable future powered by the sun? At Soly, we’re committed to making the transition to solar energy as seamless as possible. Our step-by-step process ensures that you can embrace solar power with confidence and convenience. Let’s explore how you can embark on this eco-friendly journey:

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Solar Configurator

The journey to solar energy begins with a few simple clicks. Our Solar Configurator, accessible on our website, calculates how many panels you need for your home. It empowers you to explore your solar potential effortlessly. Within a minute, you'll receive a no-obligation quote that outlines the cost of going solar and estimates your potential savings. It's a quick and easy way to get a glimpse of the benefits awaiting you.


Book a Consultation

After exploring the possibilities with the Solar Configurator, you have the opportunity to take the next step by booking a consultation with our team of specialised consultants. We've streamlined the process with an electronic booking calendar, allowing you to choose a date and time that suits your schedule. This one-on-one consultation is your chance to discuss your specific needs and gain personalised insights into your solar journey.


Personalised Advice and Solutions for Your Home

During your consultation, our experienced consultants will work closely with you to understand your day-to-day energy requirements and unique circumstances. Using this information, they'll create a final proposal that's tailored precisely to your needs. This proposal outlines the solar system that best suits your home, ensuring optimal efficiency and savings.


Installation process begins

Once you've reviewed and signed the proposal, our expert installation team swings into action. We aim to have your solar panels installed within a swift 4-week timeframe. This efficient process means that your journey to energy savings begins almost immediately. Say goodbye to long loadshedding and hello to sustainable energy solutions.


Your Solar Journey Begins

With your solar panels successfully installed, you'll begin to experience the immediate benefits of solar energy. Not only will you be reducing your carbon footprint, but you'll also notice a significant drop in your electricity bills. The sun becomes your constant ally, powering your home efficiently and economically.


Are you ready to go solar?

At Soly, our commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction drives every step of our solar journey. We believe that embracing solar energy should be simple, accessible, and rewarding. With our streamlined process and expert guidance, you can make the transition to solar power with ease. Join us in the solar revolution, and let’s create a greener, more sustainable future together.

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People convinced solar energy is the best option for independent power supply
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Capacity of panels installed in 2021
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Of solar energy is produced by Soly clients each year
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CO2 prevented through solar energy
Let's go solar

An answer to lead load-shedding

Do you want to find out more about what solar energy can do for your business? Let’s get ready for a sustainable future. Let’s go solar. We are ready to inform business owners about solar energy and financing opportunities and South Africa’s road towards independence from the energy grid. Together we make it possible to access clean, affordable solar energy. We will discuss the latest solar technologies, financing opportunities and how to become load shedding proof.

Low cost and load shedding proof

How Going Solar benefits your business

South Africa is suffering from increasing electricity prices and load-shedding. With solar panel prices coming down, and financing options becoming available, solar energy is becoming more and more accessible, reducing your company’s dependence on the grid and fossil fuels. Safe money, move away from load shedding and create your own sustainable, 100% green energy. Together, we make that step towards sustainable solar energy low-threshold and accessible. Request a no-obligation quote from Soly now and get in touch.

Ready to Go Solar?

We are here to tell you more about the sustainable benefits of solar energy for your business. Dozens of business enterprises have already switched to the power of the sun. Have you?

    Preferred solution
    Find out more

    Knowledge Base

    Haven't read up on the subject of solar energy yet? You can read more about solar panels in our knowledge base. We have already selected a few great articles for you. Find out more about going solar at Soly South Africa.
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    Top 10 Benefits of Solar Energy in South Africa
    In South Africa, businesses, including commercial and corporate enterprises, face the challenge of unreliable electricity supply.
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    The impact of load shedding on the agriculture sector
    The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has agreed to increase electricity prices by 18.65%, effective from 1 April 2023.
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    What is the solar panel Peak Power?
    When opting for solar purchase or solar lease, then the term Peak Power comes around all of the time. What are we talking about when discussing the Peak Power of solar panels?

    Get in touch

    Want to have a chat? We are here for you, and we are happy to help you with all your questions.
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