Rent to own solar system

Solar panels without upfront investment

It is our main mission: to make solar energy accessible to everyone who wants to save today and help build tomorrow’s sustainable world. We see to this with affordable solar panels of the highest quality. Our expert advisers are ready to provide you with the best advice, fully tailored to your situation. We would like to share our newest solution which makes solar panels even more affordable to more people: Rent to own solar system payment plans including solar panels combined with a solar battery.

Investing in solar panels and energy storage remains a smart choice. While many businesses and households have already made the switch to solar energy in recent years, there’s still room for improvement. That’s where our Rent to Own solar system comes in as a compelling alternative. With no need for an initial investment, it offers a pathway to accessing solar panels faster and affordably. Want to know more?

31.000+ solar systems installed
Along with a average satisfaction rating of 4.6.
We are growing our team to ensure more successful installations again this year.
4-week installation time
Thanks to our fast installation routine, you will enjoy your solar panels in the shortest possible time. Sometimes even sooner.
Moreover, we use certified installers. So quality and speed go hand in hand.
10 years of experience
We have been a global leader in the solar energy market since 2013.
Soly has helped countless households and businesses switch to clean, green solar energy, not only saving them money but also making a positive impact on the environment.
Soly South Africa

Rent to Own solar plans

Our leasing option offers numerous benefits. To give you a good indication of the possibilities, we offer five price plans. Our advisers will be happy to tell you which package best suits your home or build a tailor-made solution for you for free.

3.3 kW package

R2688per month

6 x Jinko 550Wp panels
1 x Deye 5kW inverter
1 x Deye 5kW battery
100% insured during lease period
We provide maintenance
Labour & Equipment included

7.7 kW package

R4210per month

14 x Jinko 550Wp panels
1 x Deye 8kW inverter
1 x Deye 10kW battery
100% insured during lease period
We provide maintenance
Labour & Equipment included

12.1 kW package

R5993per month

22 x Jinko 550Wp panels
1 x Deye 12kW inverter
1 x Deye 15kW battery
100% insured during lease period
We provide maintenance
Labour & Equipment included

Discover all plans

Did you know we offer 5 different Rent to Own solar packages? Download the PDF for more insights.

Custom rent to own solar system

Household 1: Looking for a reliable base to power lights, Wi-Fi, laptops, entertainment, and essential appliances? Our first payment plan, priced at R2,688 fits well into your daily lifestyle.

Household 2: Do you need additional items to household 1? To also power for instance a heat pump or air conditioning? Our second payment plan, priced at R4,210 has you covered.

Household 3: This is our largest leasing package. Do you often face high peak power demand? Our third payment plan, priced at R5,993 is designed for your comprehensive energy needs.

Choose the plan that suits your budget & unique requirements and enjoy the benefits of reliable, sustainable power. Feel free to contact Soly today for a free consultation with our solar experts.

Launch your search for a rent to own solar system

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Free and without obligation
Solar battery

Sustainable energy storage

If you’re interested in solar panels, it’s worth exploring the option of solar battery backup as well. This energy storage solution is invaluable for ensuring uninterrupted power supply even when sunlight is scarce. Integrated seamlessly with your rooftop solar system, the battery empowers you to achieve up to 80% independence from the grid. What does this entail? With a solar battery, surplus solar energy generated during peak production hours can be stored for future utilization, providing you with renewable energy throughout the day, regardless of fluctuating sunlight levels.

Solar panels

Generating solar energy from your home

In South Africa, numerous households continue to depend on the conventional power grid, which, regrettably, often proves unreliable. Imagine the satisfaction of meeting a significant portion of your energy requirements through self-generated power via solar panels. By reducing reliance on the energy grid, substantial cost savings can be achieved. Upon consultation with our expert consultants we assess your energy needs and determine the optimal number of solar panels required. What’s even more convenient, you can use our user-friendly online configurator to perform this evaluation yourself. Waste no time and start your journey towards energy independence today.

Request a quote

Rent to own solar system application

Ready to explore the benefits of solar energy together with one of our experts? We are happy to meet you. Fill in the form, and we’ll email you a link to schedule your online consultation at a time that works for you. The consultation will give you:

  • Exactly how much a rent-to-own solar system would save you
  • A free, no-obligation quotation on the full system
  • The best offer available by experienced consultants

Without obligation

Leave your details below and we’ll be in touch


    Soly blog

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