Location data for solar energy
South Africa is one of the countries with the highest solar irradiation levels in the world. This means there’s lots of potential for solar energy. Considering the fact that South Africa is a big nation, the solar potential between different areas varies as well. Should we want to present an indication on how much solar energy you can generate, we’ll need location data as a prime metric. With the information concerning your location, we are able to give you an accurate estimate of the solar irradiation and the potential revenue at your address.
As shown above, the areas further in-land and predominantly to the west are ideal locations for solar energy.
How does the Solarcheck work?
You might not want to give us all information forehanded, as we understand. This is why we kept our Solarcheck relatively general. Regarding your location, we’ll only ask you to provide information on the street and city you live in, without specification of a house number. Based on the location, we can deliver a detailed indication of the solar potential, while not having to reveal too much information. And it’s all free of obligation.
How we handle your location data
Our Solarcheck is, as we mentioned, free of obligation. Therefore, you are still free to find an offer somewhere else. After running the check, we’ll give you an option to share some personal information. As you do, we will store the data temporarily, may you want to accept our offer at a later stage.